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We are revolutionizing the way the world thinks about and deals with mental health.


We change lives by bringing lasting hope, happiness, and purpose to individuals, marriages, and families.

GET PERSONAL TRAINING from someone who knows how you feel.


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Coming Soon: FAQ

How is Mental Fitness Training different than therapy?


Therapists give you advice based on what they learned in university. A good therapist can be VERY helpful to your mental health.

In contrast, your Personal Mental Fitness Trainer (PMFT), just like a Personal Physical Fitness Trainer (PPFT), guides you in using proven mental weight loss strategies so you can shed mental pounds, and mental muscle building exercises to help you achieve your mental fitness goals.

Their job is less about giving advice and more about guiding you and motivating you in achieving the mental fitness goals YOU want to work towards. So, just like a Personal Trainer (PT) could help you lose 50 pounds and get in shape at the gym, your PMFT helps you lose mental weight and get in shape mentally.

How does a PMFT help me; What does it look like?


After listening to your mental fitness goals, your PMFT helps you come up with a customized Mental Fitness Plan, which includes engaging in proven mental weight loss techniques and mental muscle building exercises.

Is it hard?



And, because it is, you need to be at a point where you are SICK of being mentally overweight and you will do ANYTHING to get into shape.

When you're willing to do whatever it takes to become mentally strong, your PMFT can show you how to CRUSH your mental health challenges.

What if I fail?


Ever seen that guy at the gym on the treadmill who's 100 pounds overweight?

He has our HIGHEST respect!

He may have let himself go in the past but - dang it - he's determined to turn the shape of his body around and he doesn't give a rip what anyone else thinks.

Your PMFT is the same!

We know what it's like to be mentally overweight like you so there's NO judgement but only respect.

Your PMFT will encourage you after a week you didn't do so well, and celebrate your success when you NAIL it!

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